Today looking back into time after so much struggle i made a commitment with my self
that i will by no means loose anymore time due to anxiety that i could have very much
invest in unleashing my programming skills from the cage that my imagination imposes on
me on my daily life.
In this first post i want to the set the plan of at least 3 or 4 future post that will land me a place
in the next demo day at my work.
- Gradle power beyond the Android Studio wizard.
- The cryptic art of fast prototyping (The martian movie) inspire this topic, using libs, using github projects as your friend.
- Integration between Retro fit and Otto my very own project example.
- After the first six months of doing android thoughts and lessons.
I figure out that each post might take a week in my free time to
write and hopefully this information will remain useful for me and for
the people that might be reading this post in the future.
Some introduction to my current situation
Part of the idea of starting this thread is also self motivation for not giving up and to prevail in my effort to become the best programmer i can be, i know and i am sure that i got what it takes to become successful in this field and i already took that very first step that cost me 2 years of my life and my me to the edge of a mental break down, this step is nothing more than leaving "the comfort zone" and getting my self surrounded with people that in all ways exceeds me in experience and capability, professionals that just by doing what they do on a daily basis make the people around them better because they are constantly updating and improving them selves.
So here i begin again from zero i emptied my mind so i can refresh it with a new attitude and positive attitude towards this challenge i call programming.